Alma Pirata is an Argentine soap opera, created by producer Cris Morena. The protagonists are Mariano Martínez, Nicolás Vázquez, Luisana Lopilato, Benjamín Rojas, Elsa Pinilla, Fabián Mazzei, Isabel Macedo, Julia Calvo and Nacho Gadano. It premiered on March 20, 2006 on Telefe and, in Spain, was broadcast by Localia. On December 12, 2011 it is repeated again on the Telefe screen, from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m.
120 episodes (45min each).Team
- Channel: Telefe
- Authors: Gabriela Fiore (1 – 138) / Leandro Calderone (1 – 138) / Renato D’angelo (65 – 118)
- Collaboration on script: Gonzalo Demaría, Julieta Steinberg, Pablo Arosio
- Producer: Cris Morena Group – RGB Entertainment
- Cast: Cris Morena, Mariano Martínez, Nicolás Vázquez, Luisana Lopilato, Benjamín Rojas, Elsa Pinilla, Fabián Mazzei, Isabel Macedo, Julia Calvo, Nacho Gadano